Travell guide for Iran

Travelling and backpacking in Iran

Travell guide for Iran

Travelling and backpacking in Iran

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Iran is a huge country, bigger than 14 European countries together with widely varying ecosystems and climates at the same time. So It is essential for every traveller to have a plan to travel in Iran.

Most of the travellers are entering Iran with a flight to the Tehran or Via land borders from Turkey,Armenia and Azerbaijan in the north-West of Iran or From Turkmenistan in the North-East of Iran.

There are Common Travelling plan and Touristic schedule for The best time and budget management.

Here are some flexible experience-based plans to get the most of your trip:

7 to 10 days trip to Iran

starting from Tehran (center of Iran) in the Spring and Summer

starting from Tehran (center of Iran) in the Winter

Starting from Tabriz (North-West of Iran) in the spring and Summer

Starting from Tabriz (North-West of Iran) in the winter

Starting from Mashhad (North-East of Iran) in the spring and Summer

Starting from Mashhad (North-East of Iran) in the winter

two weeks trip to Iran

three weeks trip to Iran

30 days trip to Iran

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